About Me

Hey all, I’m Alyce, a Kiwi who has been living in London since 2009.

I left my picturesque home country to find new opportunities, live new experiences and meet new friends.

I au paired for two years and then returned to London to study at Westminster University. I graduated in 2012 with a Masters in Journalism. Now with that degree in my hand I’m trying to make it in the world of journalism. One day I’d love nothing more than to write about sports – and have someone read it.

I love to travel. I have many highlights but scaling Mt. Kilimanjaro for charity last year is pretty up there. In 2013 I’m hoping to raise enough money to head to Machu Picchu – hiking the Inca trai. Unsurprisingly I also love sports – am a mild rugby and tennis nut. And I love my life.

This blog is collection of my thoughts and reports on news, sports and events of the world, with the occasional random mussing thrown in.

Stop by and leave a comment 🙂

§ 2 Responses to About Me

  • BesiegedGaza says:

    Salams Alyce,
    I’de like to say a special thank you for you as you are the first one I have met in this course and I feel that I owe you some favour, or let me say, great favour. You are a great and helpful lady and I hope the best for you.
    However, I was not involved in most of the social activities outside classes, and even in the classes I used to have a sulky face despite being originally funny, but I still love all of my mates and I have special respect to you.
    I will miss you and all the other mates,
    Hope the best,

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